Our goal is to create equally competitive teams. Teams consist of 3rd/4th graders, 5th/6th graders, JV and Varsity. 

Once registration closes we are able to determine how many teams we can make while following TVYFL drafting rules & requirements. Depending on the number of registered tackle players we have, will determined how many teams we are able to make for the season. 

Team sizes vary each year.  JV and Varsity teams may consist of one JV team (all 7th graders) and one Varsity team (all 8th graders) or we will have them combined into one blended JV/Varsity team. 

Drafting teams (if needed):

GYF does not hold tryouts. If there are more than one team needed at a particular level, the Head Coaches will then participate in a selection process (a "draft") designed to create teams of equal experience, size, and skill levels.

TVYFL dictates that all teams must be equal in the number of players (within one) from each grade level. Unfortunately, this requires that a player might be moved from one team to another during pre-season due to players relocating, hardship or the possibility of injury. This movement of players is our most difficult task and we try hard to limit any movement after the draft.

Only in very rare circumstances will players be allowed to "play up" or "play down" in the 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grade levels.  Documented reasoning and discussion with the parents, coaches and Board representatives is required prior to placing a player in a different level.